Nutrition and Physical Degeneration Extract



Beautiful Loetchental Valley about a mile above sea level. About two thousand Swiss live here.
In 1932, no deaths had occurred from tuberculosis in the history of the valley.



For centuries the natives ground their rye in this type of hand mill.
This community bake-oven for whole rye bread is passing.



Normal design of face and dental arches when adequate nutrition is provided for both the parents and the children.
Note the well developed nostrils.



In the modernized districts of Switzerland tooth decay is rampant.

The girl, upper left, is 16 years old, and the one to the right is younger.
They use white bread and sweets liberally.
The two children below have very badly formed dental arches with crowding of the teeth.
This is deformity is not due to heredity.


Typical native Alaskan Eskimos

Note the broad faces and arches and no dental caries (tooth decay).

Upper left
woman has broken a lower toothShe has had 26 children with no tooth decay.



When the Alaskan Eskimos obtain the white man's food, dental caries become active.
Pyorrhea also often becomes severe.
In many districts dental service cannot be obtained and suffering is acute and prolonged.



While dental arch deformities or crowded teeth are practically unknown among many of the primitive groups of Eskimos, they occur frequently in the first generation of children born after the parents have adopted the white man's foods.

Note the narrow nostrils and changed facial form of these children.
This is not due to thumb sucking.


Australian Aborigines
ー isolated group ー
No other primitive race seems to deserve so much credit for skill in obeying nature's laws as these primitive Aborigines because of the perpetual drought hazards of much of the land they live in.
Half of Australia has less than ten inches of rain per year.

Note the magnificent dental arches and beautiful teeth of these primitives. Tooth decay was almost unknown in many districts.



ー modernized group ー
It is remarkable that regardless of race or color the new generations born after the adaptation by primitives of deficient foods develop in general the same facial and dental arch deformities and skeletal defects.

Note the characteristic narrowing of the dental arches and crowding of the teeth of this modernized generation of Aborigines and their similarity to the facial patterns of modern whites.


New Zealand Maori

Since the discovery of New Zealand the primitive natives, the Maori, have reputation of having the finest tooth and finest bodies of any in the world.
These faces are typical.
Only about one tooth per thousand teeth had been attacked toot cavity before they came under the influence of the white man.



With the advent of thew white man in New Zealand tooth decay has become rampant. The suffering from dental caries and abscessed teeth is very great in themes modernized Maori.
The boy at the lower left has a deep scar in his upper lip from an accident.



North American Indians
ー isolated groupe ー
The Seminole Indians living today in southern Florida largely beyond contact with white civilization still pruduce magnificient teeth and dental arches of which these are typical.
They live in the Everglade forest and still obtain the native foods.



ー modernized group ー
The Seminole Indians of Florida who are living in contact with our modern civilization and its foods from rampant dental caries.

The Gospel of the Red Man

Emest Thompson Seton has bautifully expressed the spirit of the lndian in the opening paragraph of his little book ”The GosPel of the Red Man”:

The civilization and culture of white are like the principle of material center essentially.
The standard of the success there is "how long did I obtain much property for oneself".

As for the culture of the North American indigenous people, a mental thing becomes basic against it.
"How exhaustively useful was I able to be for the human being of the same family" has the standard of the success there.

The culture and civilization of the White man are essentially material;
his measure of success is, “How much property have l acquired for myself ? ”
The culture of the Red man is fundamentally spiritual; his measure of success is,“How much service have l rendered to my people? ”
The civilization of the White man is a failure; it is visibly crumbling around us.
lt has failed at every crucial test. No one who measures things by results can question this fundamental statement.

The faith of the Primitive in the all-Pervading power of which he is a part includes a belief in immortality. He lives in communion with the great unseen spirit,of which he is a part,always in humility and reverence.
Elizabeth odell in the following lines seems to express the spirit of the primitives,

Flat outstretched upon a mound
Of earth l lie; I press my ear
Against its surface and l hear
Far off and deep, the measured sound
Of heart that beats within the ground.
And with it pounds in harmony
The swift, familiar heart in me.
They pulse as one, together swell,
Together fall; l cannot tell
My sound from earth's, for l am part
Of rhythmic, universal heart.

Photographs for the teaching materials of Dr. W.A.Price

He wrote the comments of photographs by himself.


A model example of the splendid features.
This woman is a little less than 90 years old. The structure of a wonderful tooth and a face and the body is splendid.
An example of the human body whom nature forms by appropriate nourishment.

The 22 year-old man that the structure of a face and the body is wonderful.
He is also a product of nature of the hometown.



The body which was formed well.
A diver of the excellent pearl collecting. The boat which they make is of good workmanship, and he is very good at how to handle boat, too.
Their food is the shellfishes and fishes living in the tropical zone and the vegetables of the island.

The African beautiful woman who has the frame of dental arch and face peculiar to a tribe.



A product of the tribal wisdom that this girl chooses the food produced in a hometown.

The children of the African backward region who got the balance.
They show that tribal wisdom is superior.



upper left
A wise child extremely singular in 13 year-old boy.
Clean features and a wide nostril and beautiful dental arch.

upper right
The girl who shows dentition formed wonderfully.

The facial and dental arch development was superb and the teeth were excellent and free from dental caries.

From "Conclusion"


What produces our so called bad boys and girls, and why?
This concerns every thoughtful citizen and all parents.

Only two forces have been considered as capable of producing both our juvenile delinquents and the increasing population of so called mentally retarded individuals who drive both our parents and our reachers to despair, since they are blamed.

Heredity and environment have been the only forces understood to be associated with birth and childhood.
Our environment is simple and is always presided over, presumably by parents,hence they must be blame for their children's behavior.
The present increase is explained by the fact that both parents are now employed in war work, statistical data however easily refute this since in only about 4% of the cases, are both parents so employed.
The origin of this law may have been inspired by conviction that since heredity is a perfect process of divine origin its processes are beyond human knowledge and indeed are not proper and appropriate topics for Christians to consider.

This is strongly demonstrated by the opposition to any interference with unregulated childbirth.

The first factor: environment
These two sources of influence, inheritance and environment, have been the limit of consideration or knowledge.
The fact of similarity, regardless of birth place, has led me to investigate primitive races in various parts of the world, to learn whether humans there have indicated any other wisdom than that which we possess.
So,I have found that the more perfect groups physically , are duplicates of our best form and their defectives are duplicates our imperfect moderns.
This latter group however, is their group of modernized individuals who have been touched and changed by contact with our modern commerce.
We made them with our demineralized and vitamin free foods.

The second factor, heredity
Even heredity with all its complicated nature, while in a sense immortal is itself purely physical and composed of units of proteins,minerals and vitamins called genes and in the transfer from one generation to the next must be rebuilt by the special sex cells of the parents and only by the complete rebuilding can perfect hereditary traits, physical and physiological, be expressed as personality and character.

Is it really heredity?
These modernized primitives produced typical juvenile delinquents with abnormal personalities and the associated physical defects of our modern defectives.
Their undoing is not caused by heredity but is intercepted heredity.
Yes,their parents produced them but they are not the product of their external environment.
They are cripples produced at the time of conception, their defects can never be cured ,but, with proper education and parental nutrition they could have been prevented.

Nature has been making normal birds, butterflies and animals for millions of years.
If wild animals can do it why cannot we?

They are protected by their ignorance, including a natural absence of a profit motive.

These demonstrate that it is not normal heredity since the next generation is not affected whenever the defective parent had the proper food.
This is the burden of this book NUTRITION AND PHYSICAL DEGENERATION here reprinted and enlarged.

The director, Dr. C. C. Little, in announcillg the grant, made the following
statement:・‥lt has become evident that neither heredity nor environment could go far without the other.

lf for example, the tilly concentrated centers of chemical organization known as genes−the basic unit of heredity, had no living organism
provided by food and growth on which and in which to express their directive powers, they would be in capable of description, measurement or identification.

Dr. Little is one of the world's leading students of the problems associated with the complicated structure of the genes, which must carry to the new generation the parental characteristics.

Dr. Ernest A. Hooton, who has written the foreword to this book, has closed with the following statement:

So l consider that Dr. Price has written what is often called a profoundly significant book.
The principal deference between Dr. Price's work and many others so labeled is that in the present instance the designation appearss to be correct.
I salute Dr. Price with the sincerest admiration (the kind that is tinged with envy)because he has found out something which I should have liked to have discovered for myself.

Emest Thonpson Seton,an earnest student of the American lndian, summarizes the lndians’ motive as being

fundamentally spiritual, his measure of success is, ‘How much service have I rendered to my people?

Dr. M. F. Ashley-Montagu, distinguished anatomist and anthropologist, in discussing the motives of the Australian Aborigine and the
average Eskimo, states:

We are very definitely their inferiors.
We lisp noble ideals and noble sentimentsーthe Australians and Eskimos prctice themーthey neither write books nor lecture about them.
Theirs are the only true democracies where every individual finds his happiness in catering to the happiness of the group, and where any one who in any way threatens the welfare of the group is dealt with as an abnormality.

Neither heredity nor environment alone cause our juvenile delinquents and mental defectives.
They are cripples, physically, mentally and morally, which could have and should have been prevented by adequate education and by adequate parental nutrition.
Their protoplasm was not normally organized.

It is an insufficient summary. I recommend that you read the original.

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